
Faculty Profile
Aidan Ackerman


Aidan  Ackerman


259 Marshall Hall


Website and Vitae

Website: aidanackerman.com

Vitae: Aidan Ackerman CV




My research explores computational methods for simulating and rendering landscape ecology with a specific focus on harnessing the power of parametric information modeling and immersive virtual reality technology. A significant portion of my research is dedicated to computational modeling, simulation and visualization of large-scale forest sites using immersive virtual reality technology. My research aims to push the boundaries of technology by developing digital workflows that convert non-visual forest data into fully-immersive three-dimensional walkthrough environments. I also explore the simulation and modeling of unique 3D tree models based on species growth characteristics, 环境条件, 以及社区互动. My research output includes but is not limited to academic journals; I have shared my findings through professional publications, which has helped me to introduce new computational methodologies and demonstrate practical applications of commonly-used design software.

I also work on cultural and historic landscape visualization projects through the 网赌平台 Center for Cultural Landscape Preservation and the Olmsted Center for Landscape Preservation. This involves working with graduate students on digital landscape graphics and simulations in collaboration with project partners from the National Parks Service, 各种景观建筑公司, 以及其他学术机构. 

在这里了解更多关于我的研究实验室: A克曼研究实验室


哈佛大学设计研究生院- MLA, 2011

New York State College of Ceramics, Alfred University, - BFA, 2002

Courses Taught

LSA 300/500数字方法 & Graphics 1

LSA 301/501数字方法 & Graphics II

LSA 326景观建筑工作室1


LSA 625建筑文件工作室

LSA 496/696建模 & 景观过程可视化

LSa 496/696数字制造

LSA 696虚拟环境

LSa 496/696 Parametric Modeling and Computational Landscape Design

Dale L. Travis Lecture Series - Virtual Forests: The Gateway to a More Sustainable Future



虚拟现实森林渲染使用Blender + Unity 3D







Marty BenzingerMarty Benzinger

  • Degree Sought: MLA
  • 研究生导师(s): Ackerman
  • Area of Study:景观建筑

Chris KoudelkaChris Koudelka

  • Degree Sought: PHD
  • 研究生导师(s): 阿克曼和米库勒维奇
  • Area of Study:政策、规划、沟通与社会(PPCS)

Personal Statement
Chris Koudelka is a PhD student in the division of Environmental Science at SUNY-网赌平台. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Peace and Justice from Nazareth College and an Associates Degree in Environmental Science from Finger Lakes Community College.

Research Questions
In what ways can digital visualization techniques help us reckon with our interactions with place, 历史和殖民? To what extent do digital visualization techniques reproduce dominant narratives, and can these techniques be employed to dismantle colonial structures?

Research Interests
数字可视化和三维建模, 景观建筑, land use history, 环境伦理学, interpretation, counter-mapping, and GIS

Tanner LarameeTanner Laramee

  • Degree Sought: MLA
  • 研究生导师(s): Ackerman
  • Area of Study:景观建筑

Chien-Yu LinChien-Yu Lin

  • Degree Sought: PHD
  • 研究生导师(s): 阿克曼和约翰斯顿
  • Area of Study:环境及社区土地规划

Geri Mae TolentinoGeri Mae Tolentino

  • Degree Sought: PHD
  • 研究生导师(s): Ackerman and Dann
  • Area of Study:环境科学

Personal Statement
Geri来自菲律宾. She is a faculty member at the College of Agriculture of Southern Luzon State University’s (SLSU) Forestry and Environmental Science Department (FESD) where she teaches Environmental Ethics and Policy, 环境交流, 教育和宣传, 科学传播, General Ecology, Research Methods, 和环境科学概论. 她获得了亚洲研究硕士学位, 环境科学硕士, 与BS发展沟通, major in 科学传播 (magna cum laude) degrees from the University of the Philippines. 她的研究兴趣围绕环境教育, 科学教育中的知识管理, and the cultural and political aspects of environmental issues in Asia.


Ackerman A, 库柏L, Volk T, Malmsheimer B, Esch E, Gadoth-Goodman D, & Constantineau S. (2022). Virtual Reality Visualization of Sustainable Management Practices for Forest Carbon and Climate Change. 数字园林学报:392-401.

Lin C. Y., Ackerman A, Beier C, & Johnston D (2022). Digital Terrain Editing and Virtual Reality Visualization to Communicate Snow Coverage and Depth Change Related to Thermal Impacts. 数字园林学报(英文版):95-104.

Lin C.Y, Ackerman A,庄士敦D,田G, & Liu Y. (2022). LiDAR Operation and Digital Modeling Visualization to Communicate Stormwater Management at Green Spaces in Developing Regions. 环境科学视觉化工作坊(envivis). 欧洲制图协会.

Mahoney M, Beier C, & Ackerman A. (2022). terrainr: An R package for creating immersive virtual environments. 开源软件学报,7(69),4060.

Ramyar, R., Ackerman, A., & Johnston, D. M. (2021). Adapting cities for climate change through urban green infrastructure planning. 城市,117,103316.

Ackerman, A., Crespo, A., Auwaerter, J., and Foulds, E. (2021), Using Tree Modeling Applications and Game Design Software to Simulate Tree Growth, Mortality, 与社区互动. 见:Journal of Digital 景观建筑, 6-2021, pp. 163-170. ©Wichmann Verlag, VDE Verlag GMBH·柏林·奥芬巴赫. ISBN 978-3-87907-705-2, ISSN 2367-4253, e-ISSN 2511-624X, http://doi.org/10.14627/537705013

Ackerman, A. (2020). 我们从哪里来,往哪里去? CAD与BIM/LIM应用主题的比较分析[J]. 中国园林学报,1000-6664.

Ackerman, A., Wang, Y., and Bryant, M (2020), Animation of High Wind-Speed Coastal Storm Events with Computational Fluid Dynamics: Digital Simulation of Protective Barrier Dunes. 见:Journal of Digital 景观建筑, 5-2020, pp. 498-509. ©Wichmann Verlag, VDE Verlag GMBH·柏林·奥芬巴赫. Isbn 978-3-87907-690-1, issn 2367-4253. http://doi.org/10.14627/537690051

Ackerman, A., Hoffman, R., King, M., and Keefe, M. (2019). “艰苦的风力发电项目.“景观表演系列”. 景观设计基础. http://doi.org/10.31353/cs1540

Ackerman, A., Hoffman, R., King, M., and Keefe, M.(2019). 布洛克岛风电场.” 景观表演系列. 景观设计基础. http://doi.org/10.31353/cs1530

Ackerman, A., Cave, J., Lin, C.-Y., and Stillwell, K. (2019). Computational Modeling for Climate Change: Simulating and Visualizing a Resilient 景观建筑 Design Approach. 建筑计算学报,17(2),125-147. http://doi.org/10.1177/1478077119849659 

Ackerman, A., Cave, J., and Stillwell, K. (2019). Computation and Visualization of Coastal Sea Level Rise Mitigation Strategies: Digital Applications of Scientific Data to Formulate Design Workflows for Climate Change.  数字园林学报,10-20. http://doi:10.14627/537663002

Ackerman, A. and Cave, J. (2018). Modeling Coastal Sedimentation and Erosion for Design Applications Within the Fields of 景观建筑 and Architecture. In: Gobster, Paul H.; Smardon, Richard C., eds. 2018. Visual Resource Stewardship Conference Proceedings: Landscape and Seascape Management in a Time of Change. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-P-183. 纽敦广场,宾夕法尼亚州:美国.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 279 p. http://doi.org/10.2737/NRS-GTR-P-183

Ackerman, A. and Glekas, E., (2017). Digital Capture and Fabrication Tools for Interpretation of Historic Sites. ISPRS摄影测量年鉴, 遥感与空间信息科学, IV-2-W2, 107-114, http://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-annals-IV-2-W2-107-2017

Hammer, S. and Ackerman, A., (2015). Progress and Pitfalls in Community Mapping: Behaviors, Cognitions, and New Directions. Cities People Places: An International Journal on Urban Environments, 1(1), pp.19–31. http://doi.org/10.4038/cpp.v1i1.1

Ackerman, A. 伦德尔·加弗,B. (2015).  Social Media as a Visualization Tool: Mapping the Urban Landscape. 景观研究记录卷. 景观建筑教育者委员会. pp.2-9.

Ackerman, A., Bellalta, M., and McGonagle, J. (2013). 表厂第一期及第二期. 景观表演系列. 景观设计基础.  http://doi.org/10.31353/cs0440

Ackerman, A., Bellalta, M., and McGonagle, J. (2013). Erie Street Plaza. 景观表演系列. 景观设计基础.  http://doi.org/10.31353/cs0430

Other Publications

Ackerman, Aidan. “小公司,大飞跃。.景观建筑杂志,2021年7月:印刷. LINK

Ackerman, Aidan. “绑定的BIM.《博彩平台》杂志,2019年6月:50-60页.  Print. LINK

Ackerman, Aidan. "Bona Fide BIM.《博彩平台》杂志,2019年12月:36-42. Print. LINK



A Digital Tree Growth Modeling and Visualization Toolkit for Historic Landscape Representation 
国家保鲜技术中心 & 训练,纳奇托奇,洛杉矶 & the U.美国国家公园管理局

Pathways to a Net-Zero Carbon Future: Landscape Design for Sustainable Energy and Climate Change Mitigation

2019-2021 Center for Cultural Landscape Preservation Senior Research Scientist
奥姆斯特德景观保护中心,波士顿,马萨诸塞州 & the U.美国国家公园管理局

2019-2021 Center for Cultural Landscape Preservation Senior Research Scientist
奥姆斯特德景观保护中心,波士顿,马萨诸塞州 & the U.美国国家公园管理局

案例研究:Block Island风电场,新肖勒姆,RI & 纽约州费尔菲尔德Hardscrabble风电场


Student-Defined Curriculum and a Competency-Based Approach to Learning

Landscape Performance Integration Within the 景观建筑 Design Studio 

案例研究:沃尔瑟姆手表厂,沃尔瑟姆,马萨诸塞州 & 伊利街广场,密尔沃基,威斯康星州